Legal issues
Legal issues inside the show
the laws inside the show are very co-related to the ones that we see in the United States. There is nothing crazy that you have to be aware of, or something very relevant that can change the course of human behavior. I believe that the only "made up" law that they have in this show is that, robots can only do what human a human say, robots may never hurt humans, and if the first rule interferes with the second one the robot is allowed to disobey the human.
The laws are broken since the very beginning of the show when Arisa which is a robot kills a man for trying to use her as a sexual toy. After this point, Arisa just starts running from the police until she finds shelter with Gregory's family. Gregory nor his family are aware of what Arisa has done, but she has convinced them that she does not have any owners to come back with, and since she also helped Gregory on a couple of occasions he decides to keep her as a member of the house.
Another law that is broken in the show is when people damage robots on purpose. In the show there are this "hunters" that basically hunt down robots and then hang them on the streets to leave a message about the incomodity that people has towards the robots. They do this to also send a message to the people that human are better and they will always be better than the robots.
The people damaging robots is something that is more possible to see on a near future. We are already seeing the effect of robots taking over human labor on some fields. They do it on the show to mainly give a message, they know that what they are doing right now is not going to impact the big companies to the governments to stop producing or using robots, but they wan to give a message to the public. They want to give a message to whoever is there and thinks the same way as them and to invite them to join them. The police of course is not with them, and so far in the show they do not have any suspect or any idea of how to stop them. The only thing they got so far is one guy that was captured for killing a human on the attempt of "killing" a robot.
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