
 End of the season

The end of better than us in my opinion is a pretty good one. It wraps up all the storylines pretty well and gives us a clear picture of the future of certain characters. Alla and Georgy have come to a mutual understanding. She has taken Sonya to Australia while Egor has stayed back with his father. Maslovsky and Svetlana are together and are now the heads of CRONOS. Viktor has to pay for his crime by spending the rest of his life in prison. He tries to get out of it by giving up the names of all the people who were involved with him. Not only do the cops refuse to give him a break, but he is also killed by Gleb.

Arisa "loses" her life after trying to protect Gregory. We see Maslovsky working on something that looks like Arisa’s "brain" (we call brain but it might just her hard drive)He still seems to be struggling with it and can’t crack the code. In the last scene, the brain lights up and a message is sent to Georgy that says “Help Me”. I personally still believe that Arisa is alive because robots don't really need a body to function. As long as they can recover her memory it will be fine.

Arisa is by far the most important piece of technology of the whole show. When Maslovsky found her, he thought he could study her, but he isn’t able to crack into her programming. Since the very beginning of the show, we could tell that Arisa was different than the other robots. The truth behind Arisa came out when Lara finds the contact of the creator of Arisa and contacts him. Basically, China has a one-child policy to control overpopulation, and everybody prefers to have a boy over a girl. If there was the possibility of the child coming was a girl, the parents would most likely abort her. The main problem arrived when China realized that due to those actions there are not enough women in the country anymore. That's how a programmer came up with a solution for that, he made Arisa. 

You could say that Arisa is a technical innovation when you compare her to other robots, but I believe that she is more of completely different technology. Robots are usually made to accomplished easy tasks to help humans or sometimes to serve as sex toys, which seen in the show creates huge social anxiety because people believe that humans should only have sex with humans. Anyways, Arisa is completely different from these robots, She has her own artificial intelligence and her own machine learning, which means that she makes her decision based on her past experiences learning after every little action she makes. 

The technologies shown along the show are amazing, but they are just a picture of what we have right now with some improvements. What really stood up on this show was Arisa a robot that was created to replace women in a country. That is the main reason why she feels so attached to Gregory's family, she feels like the mom, and she tries to protect them in the process of learning what is best for them. She is even able to lie in order to protect them. She does not believe that is wrong as long as it is to protect her family. The mom sense is what makes her so different from any other robot. 


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