Episode 2
Episode 2
In this episode of the show Better Than Us, we see deeper how humans feel about robots. We start to understand that not everything is good with the robots around. We start seeing more of this cultural anxiety that humans have towards robots. The main premise of this episode is this new group of people that basically goes around destroying robots. they do this with the idea of saving humans from losing their jobs, and also to reaffirm that humans are just better than robots in general.
In this episode, they didn't focus so much on technology. They focused more on the human part and a better understanding of society with robots. They showed a deeper relationship with the main character Georgy and his two children Sonya and Igor. He has a better relationship with his daughter, she still does not understand a lot of the things that happen, and maybe that is why she is still very close to him. On the other hand, his son is a lot older and has a better understanding of what goes on around his dad and his mom's lives so he is a little bit more distant from his dad.
The whole show is based on technological advances. from robots that help you do anything until a simple voice assistant that works a lot smoother than the ones, we have nowadays. It is interesting to see how in this show you can see all kinds of new technologies that have not been invented or introduced to our world, but then you see other technologies that have been invented already, but they are just better in the show. Like the voice assistant technology that was introduced when Georgy was trying to find his son. this is something that we have nowadays implement in almost everything, but on the show, it just works a lot better and it looks like it has a lot more functionalities.
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